Inequality-opoly : learn a structural racism board game

Excellent structural racism and sexism board game from Inequality-opoly? The mission of Inequality-opoly is to spread awareness and advance discourse about the effects of Structural Racism and Sexism in America. The objective of Inequality-opoly is to battle with or benefit from Structural Racism and/or Sexism to become the wealthiest player and partnership by buying, renting, developing property, and (most importantly) making deals. Whichever player or partnership has the most wealth at the end of the game wins. Discover more info on

Diversity And Inclusion advice for today : Internal communication ools can be of great help to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. You can create a web of inclusions in the form of stories or real-life incidents. It would help if you described it in a way that shows what makes them unique and posted on the online employee community platform of your company. As others see the previous posts, they look for self connections and add to the link. For example, one employee writes, “ India is my national origin.”, the next person who can relate to it adds, “I once visited India when I was a kid.” and so on… This activity allows coworkers to start a conversation on various topics and compare how they are the same or different.

When I played Inequality-opoly, I was deeply impressed by how population statistics come to life as each player experiences the many ways in which race and gender have a dramatic and significant impact on daily life events. But even more impressive – and depressing – is the realization of the inevitability of the unfairness in the game’s ultimate outcome. It is the clear connection between cause and effect, in this case the link from systemic racism and sexism to the lived experiences of individuals, that makes Inequality-opoly such a powerful educational tool.

As an example, each time you pass the “Start” space, the amount of money you collect depends on your race and gender, based on U.S. wage gap data. And whenever a player lands on a “Life Event” space, they draw a card whose impact is also tied to each player’s race and gender, all of it based on statistics from the U.S. population. Life Event cards include situations such as interactions with the police, generational wealth transfer, or employment; when a card is drawn, each player consults their Identity Card to determine their specific experience.

Systemic racism and sexism created disparities in wealth and income for Black women. Wealth and income are two components of economic well-being. Income is a flow of money that comes in from employment, social security, or other sources, yet wealth consists of assets (e.g., homes, cash, businesses, vehicles) minus debt (e.g., credit cards, student loans, mortgages, medical debt). Wealth is critical. In its absence, families have difficulty managing financial emergencies, passing money down to the next generation and participating in activities that can build even more wealth like purchasing a home or starting a business. Research shows the racial wealth gap is even larger than the income gap. See more info on The Game of Structural Racism and Sexism in America.