High quality humidor products manufacturer and supplier
Thermoelectric humidor manufacturer with Thexcooler? Justown is specialized in cigar humidor coolers, and electronic cigar humidor cabinets, our main wholesale humidors include electric humidors for cigars, automatic cigar humidors, compressor cigar humidors, wine humidors, and related products. Electronic refrigeration has no refrigerant. The most popular product can hold 150 cigars. The technology is exquisite and the product is mature and stable. In winter, the room temperature is low and it can be heated to maintain a constant temperature of 20 degrees. Discover more info at https://www.thexcooler.com/products. Application of Electric Cigar Cooler Humidor: Thermoelectric Cooling system,Thermoelectric technology is an active thermal management technique based on the Peltier effect. heating or cooling the air in a sealed space, adjust the temperature to make it suitable for cigar storage. As a professional cigar humidor…